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We conducted extensive cultivation trials with tulips and tomatoes. Below is a fact sheet with highlights and a link to the STOWA final report.
Molecular hydrogen: a sustainable strategy for agricultural and food production challenges
This recent research discusses the use of molecular hydrogen (H₂) as a sustainable solution to challenges in agriculture and food production. It highlights the versatile applications of hydrogen in improving crop growth, soil health and food quality, while lowering the environmental impact of agriculture.
Here are the key insights:
Hydrogen can act as a green alternative to chemical fertilisers by promoting the growth of beneficial soil micro-organisms, which contribute to improved crop yields and quality. In addition, hydrogen-rich water (HRW) improves plant resilience to stressors such as drought and heavy metals, and stimulates nutrient uptake. Hydrogen-rich water can also extend the shelf life of fruits and vegetables by reducing oxidative stress and regulating enzyme activity. In kiwis, for example, it slows fruit ripening and improves antioxidant capacity. Hydrogen is recognised as safe - including for human use - and has minimal risks if applied correctly.
This research highlights that hydrogen can play a promising role in sustainable agricultural and food strategies, with potential to improve both productivity and environmental friendliness. It also discusses a number of challenges, including the cost of hydrogen production, the technical requirements for wide application in agriculture and finding the optimal level of use. Fortunately, we have found and incorporated solutions to these challenges in our SKID.
Article 1: Hydrogen-rich water enhanced salt tolerance in tomato seedlings
This study focuses on the effects of hydrogen-enriched water (HRW) on the salt tolerance of tomato seedlings. The study shows that HRW, by regulating the biosynthesis of strigolactones (SLs), significantly reduces the negative effects of salt stress on the roots of tomato seedlings. HRW increases the expression of specific SL genes such as SlMAX1 and SlD27, which are essential for salt tolerance. In addition, HRW is shown to improve root morphology, root activity and internal anatomical structure under salt stress. The study highlights the crucial role of SLs in HRW-mediated improvement of salt tolerance.
Article 2: Enhancing tomato fruit antioxidant potential through hydrogen nanobubble irrigation
This article investigates how irrigation with hydrogen nanobubbles improves the antioxidant properties of tomato fruit. The study shows that the use of hydrogen nanobubbles during irrigation leads to an increase in antioxidants in tomatoes, including vitamin C and phenols. This not only improves the nutritional value of tomatoes but also increases their resistance to oxidative stress, which can contribute to longer shelf life and better fruit quality. The results suggest that hydrogen nanobubbles are a promising innovation for sustainable agricultural practices and improving crop quality.
Article 3: Hydrogen fertilization with hydrogen nanobubble water improves yield and quality
This study compares the effectiveness of hydrogen nanobubble water (HNW) fertilisation with conventional fertiliser in growing cherry tomatoes. The findings show that HNW not only increases cherry tomato yield, but also improves fruit quality, with larger size and higher levels of nutrients such as lycopene and sugars. The use of HNW is also found to be more environmentally friendly than traditional fertilisers by reducing its reliance on chemical inputs and contributing to more sustainable farming practices.
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